Welcome to the Curriculum Connection
The Curriculum Connection began in 2009 through a writing project of Pima County JTED. Today Curriculum Connection members include Career and Technical Education Districts (CTED) as well as Public, Private, and Charter High Schools.
Our Guiding Actions
TO PROVIDE teachers with quality, relevant, and engaging curriculum aligned to CTE program standards to support teacher and student success and retention.
TO COLLABORATE with key stakeholders and utilize qualitative and quantitative data to guide the development of curriculum and resources.
TO CONNECT educators to a dynamic collection of resources and collaboration opportunities to support quality CTE programs.
To contact us and learn more about our resources click here.

Steering Committee

Michelle Crary, President
Career Readiness Coordinator, Gilbert Public Schools

Aron Schmidt, Treasurer
Director of CTE and High School Instruction, Vail Unified School District

Tonia Flanagan, Secretary
Support Services Coordinator, Western Arizona Vocational Education (WAVE)

Kenneth McGovern, Fiscal Agent Representative
Chief Financial Officer, Pima JTED

Debby Kidwell
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Specialist Career and Technical Education, Deer Valley Unified School District

Jarett Guy
Assistant Superintendent for Teaching, Learning, & Campus Operations, West-MEC

Kimberly McCroy
Professional Development Specialist, Pima JTED
Curriculum Connection Staff

Jennifer Brooks

Debbie MacKinney
Assistant Director

Adela Millan
Apprenticeship Coordinator

Lacey Peebles
Curriculum Writer

Deb Zurcher

Demi Parker
Curriculum Writer

Raynae Roberts
Administrative Assistant
Each AZCTECC Member selects a designee as the point of contact and to vote to elect the at-large steering committee. Below are the current AZCTECC Members and their selected designee.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact us at hello@ctecaz.org.
American Leadership Academy
Designee Daniel Fox
Bicentennial Union High School District
Designee: Brooke Stacy
Casa Grande Union High School District
Designee: Lisa Miller
Cave Creek Unified School District
Designee: Erin Scherer
CAVIAT – Coconino Association For Vocations, Industry And Technology
Designee: Brent Neilson
CAVIT – Central Arizona Valley Institute of Technology
Designee: Mike Glover
Chandler Unified School District
Designee: Lindsay Duran
Coolidge Unified School District
Designee: Wyatt Carpenter
CTD – Cochise Technology District
Designee: Tina Gudvangen
Cobre Valley Institute Of Technology
Designee: Mike O’Neal